Red Shed- Starting Something Different
Despite all of the obvious signs of a takeover solidifying in America by people who just hate us for even thinking we are free; Frau Fowler isn’t stopping what we want to build. It would just be so wimpy of us not to continue on.
Our new store, called The Red Shed is going up now. It’s a small footprint and hopefully we can get a good turn on everything we curate in there.
The idea of the “shed” was a local food source first and foremost, in an area where people drive to buy groceries at Walmart (who gave 500 million dollars to BLM, which nobody really knows where that money even went now). Walmart adds even more injury to insult; they make you check your own damn groceries out! Yeah, you go over there and start figuring it out at the kiosk, monkey. Monkeys can learn fast though. You do this while 15, or so, employees stand there.
It’s more than just insulting- if you are taking the programming, I just don’t even know what to say to you.
The world needs solutions. If you wait for the government to help, you’re going to be sorry, because they are going to beat you up, take your shit and then promise you good healthcare (which we know is a lie now). I’m spicy today.
Local food is becoming more important as weather modification is ramping up so intensely (maybe on the back of a real climate cycle and maybe not, because we may never know where the cycle begins and ends, and where the geo-modification begins and ends). We know that farmers are having really hard times growing certain things, during times they should be prolific. All the corn here died last year. Potatoes had blight. One farmer said it was the first time he had blight in 20 years or so. My citrus trees thrived. Everything in the dirt, couldn’t get enough water! We went weeks and weeks without water in TENNESSEE!
The idea of the shed is everyone grows who wants to earn something or trade something. It gets people MAKING STUFF AND GROWING STUFF.
It helps people get out of dead-end jobs. It helps move people away from the tragedy of just one day being laid off, because you are white or American. For people who don’t know that’s a real thing right now- please catch up! People getting jobs, not based on merit, is going to TANK this country. People getting jobs who are migrants, while Americans are being fired is TREASON BY OUR GOVERNMENT.
Frau Fowler will not buy anything from any corporation or company who hires immigrants. PERIOD. We take care of our own people first. PERIOD.
We hope that the shed becomes a place of inspiration. It’s small! If it grows, we just move out and keep going. No problem!
Some of the things we are offering (processing ourselves):
Wine– made by local grapes called Muscadines (native sweet grape)
Continuous loop kombucha- we flavor it with the tropical fruit that is in season in the greenhouse, people refill their own growlers.
THC products– we hate the local smoke shops here selling a seriously GMO strain of weed, incased in sugar and dye garbage. We support the endocannabinoid system and believe we wouldn’t have one IF we weren’t supposed to use this miracle substance WHEN NEEDED. If you need a babysitter, that’s your problem. Our PMA members know this. We are going to fire up the tablet press and start making THC/CBD (with varying potency) mints- called SUR’SE.
Vegetables in season!
Tropical fruit from our greenhouse!
Organic/Grass-fed beef – with local processing (preferring at-home butchering, due to its kindness and naturalness).
Seafood from South Carolina coast friends– right off the boat, going to do “shrimp runs.” I’m from SC, so I know where to go!
Frau Fowler “salt of the earth” products- personal care, etc.
“Leftovers”- we can a lot each year: salsa, pizza sauce, pickled everything, fermented hot sauces, etc. What we don’t consume ourselves, we put in the shed! We use the best ingredients for ourselves. No sprays, no pesticides, just pure food.
The Food System is Junk
As a food scientist, I can tell you right now that people BOUGHT by the science are just paid losers that are GMOed themselves. I have seen food science make “food” that feels and tastes like food, without being anything remotely like the definition of SUSTENANCE. Think about that for a second.
Real food powers real people. We have a system that is so corrupt and so completely lawless, you should stop participating in your own demise.
If you eat their shit.
You are their shit.
You will be asked to get a barcode on your forehead here shortly.
Like the Red Shed concept?
Use it!
We are a PMA and we support our members who want to GROW IN A BETTER DIRECTION.
People who want to start something similarly, can offer Frau Fowler PMA products.
Let’s get pumped!
-Perry, The Alchemist