Foods For Good Teeth

by Perry Louis Fields Founder, Author, Medical Pioneer, Food Scientist and Engineer

Eating the right foods is good for the overall health of a person and sometimes bad nutrition can lead to dental health problems.  

There are two areas of food to look at 1) foods that provide the right internal health to support good oral care, and 2) foods that physically can clean teeth.

Foods that physically clean teeth

Fruits and vegetables are especially beneficial because chewing firm, coarse, watery, and fibrous foods help you produce saliva, removing leftover food particles.  

If you’re somewhere you can’t get to brushing till later in the day, ending a meal with a vegetable, which is alkaline and water is a good “teeth saver” idea.

Problems with FRUITS

Fruits have benefits if they are coarse and can help remove particles from between teeth.  Apples, for example, are great choices.  Citrus fruit, not so much.  Some fruits have lower pH (acid), which left on the teeth can cause erosion.  Many people who love fruit juice or do juice cleanses may notice enamel health issues after routine habits.   

Drinks, Beer, Wine & Water 

Kombucha, naturally fermented vinegar drinks, beer and wine, all have low pH (acid), which means while they may have health benefits, they can erode enamel too!

The problem with tap water is that municipal sources are almost always acidic, sometimes far more extreme than one would think. This is because of the chemicals used to process water, namely chlorine. 

Water (in general) or coconut water are better choices for being pH neutral. Try to end meals or other drinks with these OR eat a SUR’SE mouth cleanser (a natural breath freshener also) that can neutralize acid and provide other oral care benefits.  

Best foods for your teeth

Many healthy foods help your teeth stay strong and help your mouth clear bacteria and acid from your teeth.

Some of the options are:

  • Yogurt and cheeses 
  • Carrots, celery, and leafy greens (not including spinach which is high in oxalates and not good for enamel)
  • Apples
  • Black and green teas (naturally antibacterial)
  • Lean proteins
  • Nuts

Why dairy products?

We would probably prefer culture products like nut-based cheeses, yogurts and milk.  These types of foods are good calcium sources and contain natural probiotics.

What about sweeteners?

Sugar is certainly a cavity maker!  Many foods have lots of hidden sugars.  Starches often turn to sugar in the mouth quickly, which also supports cavity growth.   Try honey.  It’s alkaline and macrobiotic (like fermented foods that support healthy bacteria).

Leafy green foods for teeth

Vegetables provide vitamins and minerals and help you produce saliva to clean your mouth and keep enamel healthy.

Leafy greens like kale, spinach, chard, or collard greens are full of vitamins and minerals while being low in calories. Leafy greens are high in calcium, folic acid, and B vitamins, which help your health. 

PHOSPHOROS, STRONIUM, BORON and trace minerals for teeth

Quite a few studies have been done on missing nutrients and poor oral health. Some of the main minerals needed (that are often missing) are these.  Studies show that products using fluoride cannot help thwart cavities ENOUGH in children (or adults) with low mineral levels.  

Phosphorous is found in: seeds, nuts, meat protein and whole grains (and our tooth powder this year)

Strontium is found in: whole milk, wheat bran, meat, poultry, and root vegetables (and our toothpowder)

Boron is found in: Boron is an element found naturally in leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach. It can also be found in grains, prunes, raisins, non citrus fruits, and nuts.

The five most common sources of boron in a person’s daily diet are: apples, coffee, dried beans, milks potatoes.

SALIVA – good teeth have good saliva

Salivation is key to good oral care. Some of the foods above, like apples, can help us salivate.   We formulated our products based on this concept of saliva being KEY to good oral health.

Our products make you salivate on purpose, to create good interstitial fluid that is usually mineral rich, combined with the minerals in our products, that BATHE your teeth.  By not rinsing and salivating, you’re creating a very healthy oral care routine!

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