Local Product VS Commercialized Garbage
We had a brainstorm session.
One idea: Private business creates the opportunity to make products that opens the door for local talent to manufacture a variety of goods (all the way down to clothing, personal care, food, etc.).
Second idea: Community resilience and cultivating purpose in our society. We all have talent, why can’t we monetize our talent without having to work for a larger corporation or platform that is nation-wide, what about FREE TRADE?
Third idea: Are the benefits working for these companies, really good benefits?
Example: Retirement (They know how long you’re going to live on their medical system once you retired and are TIRED.)
Fourth idea: The downfalls of commercial business include supply chain quality problems, over-regulation by our government, stringent banking towards small business (they won’t help you with loans unless they are predatory, high interest, low credit, no financing , or collaterize your domicile).
There are plenty of people (venture capitalist, investors, equity firms) who want to buy into your business once you are a certain size, so they can control the interest of the company, eventually seizing it or buying the owners out for what little part they have left.
It also ensures owners do not speak out about the system (example: Aspen Institute).
Fifth idea: Buying commercial garbage is a sure way WE ALL SUFFER. We all need to move into local systems where there is plenty of VALUE for doing so and the ability to make a good living, with honest work that is most enjoyable!
We will include more on this subject as we revisit it.
We will grow this idea ON THIS POST/PAGE, for anyone who wants to follow.
We’ve had several people wanting to sell our products and we have some private business ideas for those who want to start something new.
Lastly, most people do not even know that MOST money in this country and world, MOVES PRIVATELY.
The religious law that is Maritime law (a commercializing/enslavement of humans) is well known by those who created it.
They move around in this system with ease, and making fortunes that are used to chain us down even further.
We are not educated on it, by design.
School is for the profane, by design.
Ben, The Mechanic
Perry, The Alchemist