Arischer Geist – German Herbal Tonic!
Fermenting out of wild, natural substances has long been a tradition of many native people across the world. Germany and Scandinavia is home to some of the best fermentations using herbs, spices and fruits, with some end products being called “bitters” like Jägermeister.
These fermentations can be used for all sorts of ailments and can be quite enjoyable to consume.
I’ve always wanted to make enzymes. Fermenting can yield to very high amounts of beneficial enzymes that can boost digestion, increase absorption of micronutrients, cleanse the blood of fibrin deposits, keep the micro-biome healthy, increase energy, reduce pain, improve sleep and reduce inflammation…just to name a few health benefits. Enzymes have a way of knowing where they are “NEEDED.”
Since, we’re free people now changing our status to Nationals (I’m a Virginian by birth) and no longer a citizen, including our business now being an association, I’ve decided to get started on it again.
A Living Ferment!
The way I make our herbal tonic is by making marigold wine first and then turning it into a vinegar. A very small amount of trace alcohol is left, which helps with nutrition absorption. Marigolds have incredible health properties, like reducing inflammation and being anti-bacterial. This type of vinegar is much easier on the palate than apple cider vinegar.
The herbs and spices are added during the last phase of wine making (they are fermented first) and then added fresh again in the maceration phase, which the vinegar is imbued with a very fine particle size of “the good stuff.”
Filled with bioactive compounds, proteolytic enzyme activity, probiotics, minerals and vitamins. It’s good for you body and soul.
Enjoy 1 oz daily on an empty stomach!
Means Aryan Spirit.
Spirit: You cannot be healthy in spirit, if your body is not healthy.
Aryan: A thank you to our ancestors- The Indo European Aryans, a group of Indo Europeans that traveled the globe building megalithic structures to harness the energy of the planet, who spread their law of TRUTH, and their culture of philosophy. They were warrior philosophers. Ancient people everywhere have stories of the “white gods” that came and showed them how to live good. We are still those people.
Some of the peoples from the Aryans/Scythians are: Native Americans, Palestinians, ancient people of Iran, ancient people of China, ancient people of Japan and Korea, the first Buddha (was Aryan denoted with the swastika of salvation) on his chest, the people of Germania, the people of Europe, the people of Jutland (Atland/Atlantis), the ancient people of Chile, the ancient people of Maori in New Zealand, etc.
The oldest mummies in the world ARE red headed and blue-eyed, found in Iran, found in China, found in South America.
The oldest written word is the INGWAZ RUNE, dating to 250,000 years ago. It means fertility. It means life.
German is the only language in the world that can be used to translate all other languages.
Never forget who you are NATIVE people of the world! Remember who you are!
Our belief in liberty and justice will rise again!
This fermentation is to honor my people and to heal those in NEED.
-Perry, The Alchemist