“It’s literally stupid-ville.”
Frau Fowler Newsletter ( see: updated part at the bottom):
I’ve never truly belonged to anything, which is probably my greatest strength.
At West Point (USMA), we had activities during the weekend. There was a famous hypnotist coming for a few weekends in a row, so I decided to go get hypnotized. During this routine, he would select volunteers out of the audience and seat us in a row, when the chairs were full he began his commands, words, and movements. Each time I volunteered for the show, I would be told to leave the stage within the first minute of the exercise, along with 1 or 2 other military cadets; out of 35 total. I was disappointed, because I was actually trying!
What was most shocking to witness: watching my peers come under hypnosis and reading their faces, which were a mixture of horror and ecstasy. The ones in horror, were usually the men who did not want to bark like a dog; yet did so uncontrollably! Once the exercise was over, the men looked embarrassed and demoralized.
Hypnosis to control populations is real and North Korea doesn’t have the only show in town. With my understanding of “silent weapons for quiet wars,” I am completely aware of the behavior others exhibit and my estimation of the population that is under some sort of hypnosis is very high. Some of the worst communist in history, were psychologist and psychiatrist themselves. But terms like gas-lighting to explain what paid actors do in the news, doesn’t quite end there unfortunately.
Brain wave manipulation can also be done by microwave radiation. It can create different brain waves (also called: entrainment, which only takes seconds), and can even remove neurotransmitters/ natural chemicals from your brain, which could make you feel just about anything like: depression, rage, anxiety, uncontrollable thoughts, etc. This also has a huge impact on your health and well-being.
Make sure your thoughts are your own. Awareness is the change.
Take a cell phone challenge, remove yourself from sources of radio frequency (microwave radiation) as best you can, watch your attention span increase, feel less “foggy,” notice aches and pains lessen, and perhaps become your old-self again! It’s no joke.
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” – Mark Twain
Example of social contagion, where government is actively engaging in changing the population’s BELIEF SYSTEM.
Don’t think this has happened before? It’s just done in a far more sophisticated, technology-oriented these days. It affects everyone.
How many people have you seen destroy the ecosystem of their yards (and their own health) with Round Up?
How easy is it to use reasoning skills to know better then to use this, but because it’s on shelf people will buy it?
One of the most interesting things that I’ve witness in the last 5 years is people not being themselves anymore.
I’ve watched friends completely ignore (not even respond) to tragedy that I’ve experienced first hand, as if they can’t hear it, and then turn around and ask me about the weather, or the football game last night? I don’t even watch football!
I’ve watched people talk to me with the largest, ear to ear grins, while they talk. Have you ever seen anyone talk while smiling the entire time? It doesn’t matter what the topic is, it’s just fake and outlandish. It’s manic.
I’ve watched people unable to count change (over and over) at stores. They have to do it over and over and over, because they can’t get simple math- like 5 x 20 dollar bills = 100 dollars.
I’ve watched people unable to answer the most simplest of questions with absolute confusion on their face. Over and over.
The number of aggravated assaults in every city is double or triple what it was at the beginning of 2020. The year of the launch of Covid and 5G, coincidence?
I had a utility worker assault me on my own property a few months ago, while trying to install a smart meter, because she decided that I had no rights so she forced her way through me, forcing me to put force on her. She attempted it with my 230lb (all muscle) husband next like she didn’t get it. We filed charges with the sheriff. When attempting to speak to her about what she was installing, she had absolutely no reasoning skills. Everything we said, went into one ear and left the other. Her face was contorted like a demon.
My own sister cannot have real conversations with me. She wants to celebrate my birthday, but she never speaks to me about anything of substance or value.
I haven’t heard anyone tell me a GOOD IDEA in years!
I haven’t heard anyone in the flesh, say anything to me that is REMOTELY INTERESTING.
For people who think they are immune because they go to church (or any religion); I’m sorry to tell you, but most of you are the worst offenders of everything I have stated above, because there is an added layer called psychic driving.