I write to you on a most serious and immediate topic. The return of the natural law state of the individual. In the world today technology and materialism, the devices you are surrounded by and the way of culture forces us to ask the questions of a deeper nature. Nature being the state that we must return to, to gain the required perspective to meet the challenge of tomorrow.

We are at a state of war; undeclared albeit. We have been bamboozled and remain motionless for too long already. Nature requires you to step back and out of that fictional world of living through internet platforms: among the radio frequency field that hijacks your energy field and connection to mother earth and interacting with other creatures of this earth, where life’s pleasures also reside.

This natural law is to possess the natural state of a living soul who has unalienable rights, rights to live his life how he sees fit.

What if I told you that there is a common law that has more authority then the corporation civil law that has taken advantage of YOU and gained 100% DOMINION OVER THE GLOBE.

More authority due to being the law of creators of our Republican (meaning a Republic) government and the created cannot rule the creation without consent! Which brings the question, why are we consenting to crimes against humanity and paying for our OWN DESTRUCTION?

In law, without your knowledge you have unwillingly consented to the status of US Citizen, which is the political standing of corporate citizen. The status of corporate citizen has no rights and is “karmically” attached to the atrocities that the United States corporation makes. You must exercise your authority and retract consent of the contract through commercial process and return yourself to the law of the land where we form common law grand juries to hear common law proceedings. They must recognize our sovereign capacity.

To gain this knowledge, you must return to natural frequencies and achieve this by leaving your cell phone at home and protecting your biosphere from smart devices and wifi, to return your health. You are being attacked by technologies, and the crimes against the peace according to the Law of Nations and the Law of the Land are military operations on a global scale ever since emergency powers were declared.

Please understand that I’ve found the remedy, but we are in an information blackout and that its algorithms are feeding soup to play culture wars. Do not be fooled any longer. The communist groups gained ALL THE POWER in the 20th century after WW2 and the lies our foundation is built on is sand. I have the receipts.

The NWO is Bolshevism and Zionism, and the corporations are in a grab for all, including extermination. Look back to your ancestors. Tell them they died for nothing and look at your kids and tell them they are technocratic slaves and their parents are cowards. Heed my words and create a counter culture by being connected to THE EARTH and YOURSELF, and create a remedy at law by grand jury. This is the keystone of their castle, and all will reveal if we act.

-Ben, The Mechanic