
We know it’s uncomfortable to express the truth, but we think you have the right to know.

It started for us around 2015, when a good chemist friend of ours, owned an Aloe company that made incredible enzyme products, became the training ground for new FDA employees. She and her husband were harassed too many times, that after her husband died of illness, she closed the business broke and broken.

It’s true that we started off “going big or going home,” as our largest natural foods distributor (UNFI) account manager told us, but we soon realized that the game was rigged against us. The stores treated us like, “if you won’t pay huge advertising costs to us, then somebody else will!”   We won Naturally Boulder at the very beginning, a highly competitive competition for emerging national brands in the natural space, and we were launched into a certain direction for some years after that- the usury route. 

They wanted the suppliers to compete to the death, while they collected the profits, which were NEVER ENOUGH, because their stock holders always wanted PROFIT.  Many brand owners choose to go along with this because their end game is about SELLING OUT to a bank (under the guise of “investment firms”).  Friends risked their own brands, re-mortgaging their houses to make ends meet, unable to pay themselves, while making millions of dollars in sales each year.  It’s madness.  

We then saw businesses like Amazon buy Whole Foods (and 3,000 other businesses in 2019), they then tried to steal even more from the suppliers/manufacturers of natural products in grocery stores. Our government never took any antitrust action; in fact, they deliberately looked the other way.  When we left Amazon, we had over 3,000 reviews of people stating that things like: they no longer had to use Sensodyne(TM), their cavities healed and their gums grew back; with a 4.9 star average.  It was pretty good for a product that was never allowed to use the term “anti-cavity” because we didn’t use neurotoxic fluoride (because the science is controlled) and also didn’t pay the American Dental Association a huge annual fee for being endorsed as such. 

Apparently everything is for sale…even our country and its people. 

but OUR EGOS were not…

so we moved on with our mental, physical, spiritual self, IN-TACT.

When we left Colorado Springs, we had some friends who owned a meat snack brand say, “What? Are you GIVING UP?”  We had just watched Colorado lock everyone down (except big business, like Costco), while they allowed city workers to put up the 5G (microwave radiation) track and trace system up EVERYWHERE, including in front of our own house.  We were not giving up, we simply could not live there anymore!  We were sick!

We have been a part of the natural health movement for a long time, speaking at medical conferences for doctors, who practiced medicine “differently.” Perry even wrote a medical non-fiction book, one of the first, about the complete healing from Lyme Disease, and brought to light many well-hidden health technologies and healing modalities.

Our focus has always been the teeth, as we know that the body is only as healthy as the mouth is, and that most systemic infections come from regular dental work, dental decay from neglect, commercial products that do not work, and/or poor diet. You could say we have always been passionate about getting people well, because we just care.

We have decided to take action against an ever growing threat to health, wellness and community. The corruption of our system won’t be tolerated. We know that our leaders do not represent any of us. We also know that THE CREATED, does not control THE CREATOR, and WE ARE THE ACTUAL CREATORS.

We know that there is no change coming; other than the change you make for yourself. Most people fear change, but we have experienced a delight these last years from the knowledge that we have learned, the time we have allowed ourselves to heal from the injuries forced on us.

We turned a city bus into an RV, threw our pets on there, packed our warehouse and our machines, moved to rural Tennessee to “start over” …and Ben grew a “Tennessee Top Hat (a mullet).” It was not without stress, but we saw it as a challenge that would be life altering, AND IT HAS BEEN. Our vision was not completely clear, but when you take the first steps the path is shown.

Since that time, we have discovered what being Sovereign means and what private business means.

We are proud to say that FRAU FOWLER is a PRIVATE MEMBERS ASSOCIATION, which will allow us to create more incredible products and to help more people get and stay healthy, using all of our talents, history with illness and recovery, both in manufacturing, chemistry and education.

Thank you for joining our PMA and thank you for being the change! 

We will prevail when the dust settles.

Perry the Alchemist

Ben the Mechanic

Co-Founders, Best Friends, Husband & Wife