My 78 year old mother is so sad. She and her friends (in different states) have been using Skype for years to connect and play bridge online. It takes older people a little longer to learn these things.
SKYPE, owned by Microsoft (Bill Gates “Rothchild”), announced they are stopping their service due to financial problems. Yeah right!
Their solution are other products they own (that use AI, of course), or a few apps they have stake in (I’m sure), that also use AI.
So what’s really going on here?
Skype was known for having end to end encryption so people could gather and talk about whatever, and even if you WERE being spied on, you weren’t giving your rights up TO BE SPIED ON!
Think about this from a court perspective.
It’s a legal maneuver!
But now, you are all being herded into a NEW CONTRACT.
This is really why we speak on law issues, because we are all being duped into OUR OWN ENSLAVEMENT, of the worst kind! If it continues with all this consent because it is ‘temporarily easier,’ they will crack down in a GIANT WAVE ON AMERICANS (which might even include camps . The people who were here before, could tell you the same thing! Nobody believes it’s real, until it’s at your door.
Since Microsoft is a “private corporation” they can collect data on you and sell that to whomever they want (like law enforcement)…and they will, especially if you have conversations that Bill Gates (or the already colluding government through public/private partnership) probably doesn’t like: law ones, jew ones, vaccine death and injury ones, Israel ones, radiation from smart devices, mentioning communism (because you need to believe it’s the Nazis again ). LOL!
Well, even if you don’t talk about any of these you still have to ask yourself where this all leads too. Are you cool with AI collecting and sorting information on Americans to be sent directly to fusion centers (that already exist), KGB STYLE? Don’t you already know that when people speak out about something with the chance it might ruin their reputation or business, it’s because they know it to be true?
Bill Gates’s family is part of that rabbinical priest class (the creators of Maritime law) I’ve been telling you about.
Do not consent.
Read your contracts.
Support other brands and beg them not to sell out.
We do not have enough competition in this country, it’s just an illusion…
Just like the toothpaste aisle at the grocery store!
Bye for now, I’m going to go make some cookies for my mom to cheer her up.
She is so down about this and her bridge friends are oblivious, and wondering why she just can’t use “the new app.” Damn people.
-Perry, The Alchemist

ELON comes from Elyon (which is purported to be his real name), or El Elyon from the Hebrew bible, “God Most High,” (taken from Wikipedia).
The EL are the “judges and rulers” either as divine representatives at sacred places or as reflecting divine majesty and power.
When you peel away the MYTH and RELIGION part, and get into the ACTUAL MEANING OF THINGS, there is your rabbinical priest class “lording” over everyone in plain sight.
Elon is the “richest” man on the planet because of SPECULATION, which is a jewish commerce “thang.” His technology was given to him by the military industrial complex and stolen from REAL white European men like Nikola Tesla, who was not allowed to EVER PROFIT FROM HIS OWN WORK.
ELON is here to lead you off a cliff, like so many right now! Unfollow!
Have you spotted all of his Hebrew Masonic gestures (like Trump) in press conferences yet? WOW. Brazen.
I’m throwing rotten tomatoes in my mind.