A big-time horticulturalist friend, who use to work at the Chattanooga aquarium (in charge of all the plants), recently gave me a book to read about subtle energy for your farm or garden. The picture of the book has a giant stone tower from Ireland on the cover!
Our friend knew that I had been working with dowsing in our greenhouse at Frau Fowler. I was getting pretty good at asking plants questions, focusing on their energies and getting answers! They tell me all kinds of stuff sometimes. I can get a sick plant to talk and tell me what it needs fairly easy now.
It works great! I personally believe that many of us who can tune in without distraction are probably most excellent at this kind of work and would enjoy it immensely, mostly because you get to play in a world that most people cannot see or touch, or even know that it’s there. I can find other types of answers to- more on that later (but perhaps not).
I think it’s very telling that when you search the term online for “stone age farming” that you seem to get these retarded pictures of people who look like cave men planting things, when NOTHING could be further from the truth.
Farming is a very sophisticated process and always has been, because you have to really know your shit to produce food well enough to feed yourself and others. The book does a good job, although I’m in disagreement with the ancient history part to some degree, because I don’t buy any Hebrew story of creation, due to the plagiarism that this group has done not only for their own religious beliefs, control-of-others-mechanism, but their constant DEMORALIZATION tactics and coverup tactics (mostly done by Jesuits) stealing artifacts all over the world- for thousands of years, including all of the GIANT skulls and bones found all over the world, which also includes covering up the “very white” Indians with blue tattoos and blonde hair living in present day Jekyll Island. The story of mono-religion is to tell us present day humans, that we were all just a bunch of retards that didn’t know of God until THEIR STORY came along. That kind of rhetoric today can be seen today when the pope (deserves a little ‘p’) says you cannot get to heaven by yourself! Just wow.
All of the megalithic sites ARE ENERGY ACCUMULATORS.
They were not “Pagan sacrifice sites.” In fact, the only sacrifice sites I know of, are the hundreds of millions of bones stacked perfectly in the catacombs under every large Catholic church in Europe. Want to talk to me about sacrifice now, child molestation, and all that stuff to me? I have answers for you about an old school priest class, still in existence that wiped out Europeans in waves, because they wouldn’t bend the knee to the church (and originally hated all of their weird sacrifice stuff they did). The continuation of this is called (in modern times): communism. It wipes out free thinkers who are energetically resistance to The Borg.
Indo Europeans/Aryans were these STONE AGE farmers who “had a scythe in one hand and a sword in the other,” because they had to watch their back. These very same people (called STONE BUILDERS/ STONE GUILDS) built the megalithic structures that are still here- they traveled the world building on energy lay lines and where energy “went down.” This is where you can put TOWERS OF POWER, which might actually be on your property right now!
What this book didn’t talk about (but I can help illuminate), is that this science handed down by a root race called, The Hyperboreans; a fair headed, blue eyed, people from the Poles. Stone building was a gift of science (also called an essence, because it’s not yours, but you can tap into it) that was given to the offspring of these Hyperboreans- Europeans (and all that we mixed with us). The bible portrays these types of very powerful “people” as “fallen angels.” I cannot speak on the “angels” of the Middle East, but in reality up North with the white folks, it was a LOVE STORY! Our blood is our power. We love our ancestors, we don’t shame them. We called them gods, because they made THEMSELVES awesome. Some of them possessed certain powers, probably in the form of essences. I’m sure it was a good, wild time. I’m sorry I missed it.
Just know that the story of GENESIS is heavily altered in the Hebrew form. I don’t know what kind of Genesis they think they had in the Middle East, but IT WAS NOT OURS and OURS WAS IN FACT, FIRST. Genesis is our story! The sacred texts that were plagiarized are from Indo Europeans and their kin. The Tibetan Book of the Dead and the Edda, are just examples of our ancient history and good works! They are to be remembered, not to be plagiarized and pushed into another form as a control mechanism.
Here are some of the point I picked up from the read:
- Ireland (and parts of Europe) contain a lot of old tech on buildings, but the towers dot the countryside. They are on top of energy lines and water lines.
- Different materials are used, some more suitable than others. These towers are very tall and could help energize the crops for the entire town, while you could go low tech in a garden, or your property with just stacking pots. Going 9 feet is typically best, but good results happen with small stacks to- that are well placed.
- You have to dowse on energy down areas, which also includes where water streams pass underground.
- You can dowse for where EMF/RF/ELF is a problem and put a tower with the right intention on that exact spot to help neutralize the energy distortion.
- You can find “negative areas” and neutralize them as well with a tower (big or small).
- Farmers say, “kids think the vegs taste better” when eating crops that grow around towers. You might even see parts of your garden that you could never get anything to grow, start producing very quickly.
- Churches in Europe are built on energy lines that were Pagan sites originally. The sad part is, no mention of the skill or science of this energy work was told to these followers!
- People who know HOW to find these spots should freely find them for their neighbors, as the energy increases for everyone in a positive way! This type of work is a special craft and it’s a skill meant for everyone to access it.
Just a little tad bit more (not included in the book), but based on my studies. The Pagans in Ireland were influenced by the priest class (you could also say infiltrated) and became Druids. The ancient people BEFORE the infiltration of the mono-god-creation-team, lead by Moses (aka Akhenaten), were not blood drinkers. The only people I know (in this upside down world of ours) who practice this (TO THIS DAY), are those who are THE PRIEST CLASS- which includes Rabbis and Priests (and their offspring, who are in all of the important positions of the world now), also called Hebrews. They are an actual cult.
I don’t want anyone thinking they are taking part of something bad because they are learning about THE ETHER and TRUE ENERGY. It is a science and it does not have to be lost.
Nobody should think they are doing bad because of DOGMA that was created to make us all be good slaves, so that a certain group of people can benefit WILDLY from everyone’s ignorance.
I’m not apologizing for making this book report a wider view. I felt it necessary to inject the knowledge where I can. I hope you can appreciate it.
-Perry, The Alchemist
Great Read: Stone Age Farming, by Alanna Moore