Happy New Year!
1999 vs TODAY Hey zombies! Yeah you. Get off your phone and start acting like a real person please. And start living again... It's 2025.
1999 vs TODAY Hey zombies! Yeah you. Get off your phone and start acting like a real person please. And start living again... It's 2025.
It's been a long time since we sent a newsletter or gave any updates on anything! In 2020, we left Colorado and moved to rural Tennessee. We had experienced something so tragic that even family members didn't believe us (more on that later). In typical Frau Fowler fashion, we got tough about it and moved into a building we own, we remodeled it and then just had to take a break! Only PMA members are receiving this email, so I am more at liberty to speak candidly on [...]
March 18th, 2024: Recently the United States Congress passed a bill called the Cooperate Transparency Act, to impose new regulations on commerce. Many of the new regulations are in lockstep with Cooperate ESG (Environment Social Governance) and Digital ID; however, the CTA was found to be unconstitutional in court of law (see: Small Business United vs Yellen) on March 1st, 2024. Despite the court ruling, STRIPE, Inc. has decided to covertly move to acquire small business members’ personal information, in order to assist our [...]
The front wave This is what we tell our friends about what we know so far. Divide & Conquer My first year of West Point I had a military strategy class. The first week of class we spoke about division being used to conquer. It’s not a nice topic, but a hidden tactic used on populations. The term used to described the "go along" is called mass psychosis or mass formation. (Psychologist Jordan Peterson talks with Jacko on this topic). I might be a [...]
We celebrate the beginning of 2022 as another pivotal year for mankind. It will surely be filled with revelations. We gladly accept it and encourage it, as part of our destiny, growth and evolution while we're here. We know that 2022 for Frau Fowler means more of GOING AGAINST THE HERD. We're not scared. We're not worried about what's unpopular either. It means discovery and awareness, which is always exciting! It means accepting that doors CLOSE and miraculously on cue better ones OPEN. We will just [...]