About Perry The Alchemist

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So far Perry The Alchemist has created 93 blog entries.

Opportunities Are Abound In The Private Space: Local Products

2025-03-10T13:53:27-04:00January 23rd, 2025|

Local Product VS Commercialized Garbage We had a brainstorm session. One idea: Private business creates the opportunity to make products that opens the door for local talent to manufacture a variety of goods (all the way down to clothing, personal care, food, etc.). Second idea: Community resilience and cultivating purpose in our society.  We all have talent, why can't we monetize our talent without having to work for a larger corporation or platform that is nation-wide, what about FREE TRADE? Third idea:  Are the benefits [...]

German Herbal Tonic

2025-01-27T13:53:57-05:00January 14th, 2025|

Arischer Geist - German Herbal Tonic! Fermenting out of wild, natural substances has long been a tradition of many native people across the world.  Germany and Scandinavia is home to some of the best fermentations using herbs, spices and fruits, with some end products being called "bitters" like Jägermeister. These fermentations can be used for all sorts of ailments and can be quite enjoyable to consume. I've always wanted to make enzymes. Fermenting can yield to very high amounts of beneficial  enzymes that can boost [...]

Red Shed Opens In Spring

2025-01-13T13:27:08-05:00January 13th, 2025|

Red Shed- Starting Something Different Despite all of the obvious signs of a takeover solidifying in America by people who just hate us for even thinking we are free; Frau Fowler isn't stopping what we want to build.  It would just be so wimpy of us not to continue on. Our new store, called The Red Shed is going up now.  It's a small footprint and hopefully we can get a good turn on everything we curate in there. The idea of the "shed" was a [...]


2025-01-13T12:40:12-05:00January 10th, 2025|

Doing The Right Thing Many people are required to sign non-disclosures at work and some people are paid well to sign non-disclosures. A recent example of this was a friend of ours who worked in the healthcare industry as an insurance adjuster (fairly high up) at a VERY large insurance company called Cigna. When our friend in 2020, started asking for for data following the Covid vaccines, stating it in a way like "I want to see the actual numbers of: increased heart attacks, strokes, [...]

Green Lasers Night of Hurricane Helene at Frau Fowler

2025-02-13T14:10:09-05:00January 10th, 2025|

Green Laser On the Frau Fowler PropertyWe're having a snow-in day, watching fat snowflakes fall in Tennessee.  I was watching the devastating fires in LA online, while reminiscing on the Paradise Valley fires in California not too long ago.I then decided that maybe people will hear what I have to say now.September 27th, 2024 at between 10pm- 10:15pm EST (night of Hurricane Helene), I witnessed a green laser coming down (from the sky).I first heard a sound outside and went to investigate. It was raining and the [...]

Slavery Under Talmudic Law. Yes, This Is America, INC. We Are Occupied By Communism.

2025-01-13T12:34:47-05:00January 1st, 2025|

This is the hardest to write. As some of you know we have been studying Constitutional and Maritime law for many years now; mostly to tackle the problems of corruption in our legal system and our government. We do not have justice in our courts and there is no such thing as a fair trial. It's been happening for a long time (since the Civil War when individual rights were taken post war by the bankers "Union") and the banker's control of the Union was [...]

Health Matters: Radiation and Coffee Enemas

2025-01-02T09:47:47-05:00January 1st, 2025|

Frau Fowler Newsletter: Calming the nervous system when you get anxious is no easy task. The amount of radiation people are suffering from, especially in the cities is overwhelming. WIFI, cellphones, “cell” towers, smart-this/ smart-that, is the dumbest inventions of all time, because they all operate on microwave frequencies. Cellphones operate on 2.45 GHZ and cook microwaves run on 1.65 (ish) GHZ. Chances are you are suffering from exposure, not from a “cold, flu, or whatever new thing that is happening,” which has an identical symptoms [...]

Hypnosis & Poisoning As Weapons Of War On the Mind

2025-01-01T16:29:31-05:00January 1st, 2025|

"It's literally stupid-ville." Frau Fowler Newsletter ( see: updated part at the bottom): I’ve never truly belonged to anything, which is probably my greatest strength. At West Point (USMA), we had activities during the weekend. There was a famous hypnotist coming for a few weekends in a row, so I decided to go get hypnotized. During this routine, he would select volunteers out of the audience and seat us in a row, when the chairs were full he began his commands, words, and [...]

A story of REINVENTING yourself. Reinventing Frau Fowler too.

2025-01-07T09:44:42-05:00December 31st, 2024|

"No Bart!"  Frau Fowler is getting ready to farm our own everything- pretty much everything we can incorporate into our products.  Our story picks up in rural Tennessee. Our friend down the road, Charlene, was the head horticulturalist at the TN Aquarium ( she was in charge of ALL THE PLANTS) for decades (?).  She wanted to wait to retire before leaving, having grown children that didn't live nearby. Her life is plants.   Chattanooga is yet another 5G city and the downtown area [...]

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