Doing The Right Thing
Many people are required to sign non-disclosures at work and some people are paid well to sign non-disclosures.
A recent example of this was a friend of ours who worked in the healthcare industry as an insurance adjuster (fairly high up) at a VERY large insurance company called Cigna.
When our friend in 2020, started asking for for data following the Covid vaccines, stating it in a way like “I want to see the actual numbers of: increased heart attacks, strokes, turbo cancer, etc., from this exact date onwards.,” well his company knew what he was doing.
The were going to fire him.
So he said, “I will TELL if you fire me.”
They said, “We’ll pay you a 800,000 dollars to shut up and sign this non-disclosure.”
He took the money.
We are no longer friends.
He still doesn’t understand why, citing: “He has a family to look after.” He then tried to shame us for letting him go. It’s hilarious how sick people are right now.
Our response was, “Everyone has a family to look after, like those who took the shots and might be laid off. ”
Extent of the Law
If you are witnessing FRAUD or CRIMES, even if you signed a non-disclosure, you have the right to speak up, lawfully and legally!
You might have Mr. Smith (from the Matrix) show up at your door (OR NOT), but you have the right to speak up when you are seeing acts that are criminal.
They cannot take you to court, because of what would be exposed in court.
I say, take the money, and then file charges for what you witnessed if you are struggling with that decision.
But, I personally, would never take the money. That’s my decision.
Doing The Right Thing, Part 2.
We know of a fire medic in Virginia who was an ace at his job- the best and highest paid. When Covid vaccines came out, he witnessed the death. He spoke out to city officials that believed him and later they signed a non-disclosure and COULD NOT LONGER HELP HIM WITH HIS PURSUIT OF TRUTH.
He explained to us that it happened 4 or 5 times!
He calls it “a civil war of policy.”
War Communism, is a term used when the communist are in charge of the government and they start attacking people through corporations first who are “shielded from liability ” using policy.
What follows is outright war on all of us.
We are not quite there yet, but if we don’t gain traction on turning this around, we will all be wiped out.
And for anyone who doesn’t believe it, you don’t have to look to far into history to see the murder trail of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE BY THEIR OWN GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE AFTER THE COMMUNIST JEWS WERE IN CHARGE.
Think China was different? Kissenger (and crew) paid them a visit right before Mao murdered his people. He killed the Falun Gong, those hundred million people who practiced energy work and were anti-communist to the core.
Henry Kissenger’s real name is: Henrick Albert Loeb!
Think Pol Pot was different? Oh he was visited by Kissenger too. Vietnam was sending our boys (including my father in the 82 Airborne, who retired as a Colonel), to kill Viet Cong REPUBLIC fighters. My dad had many confirmed kills.
Some of my father’s last words were: “My country turned me into a murderer.” I believe he was set free by his omission and disgust, seeing the world as it truly is.
Kissenger, right before his last dying breath at the age of 99, traveled a few years ago to China (again). Not a good sign.
It’s literally that simple.
The digital prison system, social credit score, and silent microwave weapon system is being implemented right now! You just didn’t know it. The pieces are going into place while everyone is distracted.
The canaries are in the coal mine, singing. Will you listen?
-Perry, The Alchemist