Green Laser On the Frau Fowler Property

We’re having a snow-in day, watching fat snowflakes fall in Tennessee.  I was watching the devastating fires in LA online, while reminiscing on the Paradise Valley fires in California not too long ago.

I then decided that maybe people will hear what I have to say now.

September 27th, 2024 at between 10pm- 10:15pm EST (night of Hurricane Helene), I witnessed a green laser coming down (from the sky).

I first heard a sound outside and went to investigate. It was raining and the wind was making very unusual sounds. I  heard an “electronic sound” minutes earlier that sounded like a giant electronic bird ( that’s the only way I can explain it).

When I went to the door, I saw our greenhouse lit up in a vibrant green light that looked like it was moving ( I was half asleep) and then quickly saw a laser on top of the building retract, which I just so happened to be standing underneath.  I was way more awake for the second laser, which I saw clearly- identical to the first, coming down right above me making a horrible hissing electronic sound.  I was maybe 25 feet from the beam. The energy moving around the beam, was getting the wind whipped up into a frenzy. The second time I viewed the beam (was probably milliseconds from the first beam), but I was able to see the sky and see a number of beams in a row come down right above me.  *When you are being attacked, time seem to slow down and you can catch details.

My first thought was of being attacked and I ran inside.  My husband said he heard the electronic sound, but he slept through the actual beam viewing, until I woke him with my yelling.

The next day, I saw the devastation of Hurricane Helene.  

I went to our neighbors across the street who own a storage unit. I requested a copy of the video from Dave, whose cameras (shouldn’t be, but are) pointed at our property here.  After viewing the video, he asked me if I saw the military vehicle, which was being escorted by either police, or sheriff, or someone with blinking lights. The vehicle was huge, covered with lights and was something sophisticated (with technology on it).  It moved past our property going a slow crawl down US 127 in the middle of the storm.

For a few days, I walked around with what felt like PTSD. I also shed a few tears of stress from the encounter (from rage). The technology I witnessed is incomprehensible to most.  I could see that perhaps on a different setting, instead of “moving a storm into location” you could burn things down quickly without effort.

Just this morning, I saw a surfaced video of a former Assistant Deputy to the Secretary of Defense, talk about using lasers and microwave weapons.  It is well known that weather can be moved and intensified as weapons of war.

About A Month Ago, A Smart Meter Utility Worker Assaulted Me

We had seen videos of people talking about the bullying tactics used to get homeowners to accept smartmeters, not knowing what the latest greatest technology does (or being informed of it), instead having people sometimes in unmarked vehicles show up and say “MOVE, I’m here to put this on your house.”  Usually, it’s done nicely, I’m sure.

We had a girl come who literally was unable to make good decisions. We simply asked what she was putting on and said we wanted to research it before we committed to getting the update. She kept replying, “I’m putting this on today.” After my husband informed her of our rights as property owners, she attempted to BULLDOZE me to get the meter- physically assaulting me.  As I attempted to get her under control, she started screaming about me putting “hands on her.”  I have never actually had this kind of crazy encounter before with anyone.

We attempted to filed charges against FiCom, but our sheriff would not let us! In fact, he has been avoiding us on a number of charges we have attempted to file. (My 78 year old mother says he’s scared of us. She’s probably right.)

Our question to ourselves is- what the fuck is going on here?

Are we about to get fires here next?

Chattanooga is slated to be SmartCity.

So is Lahaina.

So is Asheville, NC.

So is L.A.

We’ve seen ones now that burn down every house and not a single tree. We’ve also witnessed the photo in Lahaina taken by one of the native Hawaiian people of someone burned as if they were turned to ASH/DUST.  We also have been measuring the dirty electricity that is created and the dirty fields that are created inside our building because of them.

In Conclusion

On TV, I saw a FEMA worker use the opportunity to tell everyone about climate change while standing somewhere in Asheville, NC where many people lost their EVERYTHING.  Yet, I witnessed the actual moving of a storm.  The plateau we live on is right above Chattanooga, we are the perfect location to move a storm that’s heading TO US, TOWARDS THE MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA.

On TV, they said a few hundred people died. 20,000-30,000 people are dead so far. 250,000 people were displaced. Kids were found dead in trees. A 40 foot wall of water came down into the valleys in some places, killing everyone and everything, generations of people lost from the same family, babies dead, bodies still being recovered in mud banks- some have 600 + people in a single mud bank.

Did you see that on TV?

Do I believe only 7 people are dead in LA?

It’s “Climate Change!”

It’s well understood now that you don’t get GRANTS if you don’t study or come to the RIGHT conclusion.  People in academia with tenure are traitors.  These professors of ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE who are commissioned by the FCC, for example, will literally tell you that non-ionizing radiation is okay for people and animals, yet the massive death of bugs anywhere near “the mesh networks created by smartmeters using Bluetooth” and 5G towers everywhere, is just the beginning of the lies being told!

These 5G “cell” towers have massive cooling apparatuses and the microwave radiation coming out of these smart grids are heating cities up to a boil.

I don’t believe anything our government says.  Our universities are a bunch of lying traitors earning huge figures while others are being replaced by migrant workers.


Our government is committing acts of terror on their own people. 

When you hear Trump get in and have to explain it away, the first thing he’ll say is China or Russia!

The takeover has already happened. Now, they are going to bring us to our knees. New World Order can’t happen if America is strong.  It happens around the world when we are DEFEATED as a final nail in the coffin of freedom for people everywhere.  This is about enslavement of the world.

If you are a whistleblower, you need to start singing. If you get a trail, sit home with a gun in your lap for safer measures.  Tell your buddies to be on the lookout for people who don’t belong.

It’s time for men to be men now.  We need you. 

People in California, don’t leave your property.  Don’t sell it to Blackrock or Vanguard or whomever is asking right now.  Fight the insurance companies together.  Never sale!  Never leave!  Go back to your land- just like Palestine!  These people are moving back INTO NOTHING (A WASTELAND).  It was yours, just like it was theirs.  Don’t give up.

-Perry, The Alchemist