This is the hardest to write.
As some of you know we have been studying Constitutional and Maritime law for many years now; mostly to tackle the problems of corruption in our legal system and our government. We do not have justice in our courts and there is no such thing as a fair trial. It’s been happening for a long time (since the Civil War when individual rights were taken post war by the bankers “Union”) and the banker’s control of the Union was expanded federally through the Organic Act of 1871, which created Washington, D.C. as it’s own nation-state (just like the Vatican, just like the City of London). These bankers are the real slavers, even today and it’s very important to understand they took over Europe 2,000 years ago and have control over MOST of the world right now.
This take-over has been amping up due to an agenda of absolute control; happening all over the “free” world right now in unison!
This de-facto law that the US is under, is religious from both Canon law (Catholic) and Maritime law, which is the law of the sea, which has to do with contract law/commercial law. It’s from the people who were historically “the merchants.” The Internal Revenue Code is based largely on the Jewish Talmud.
Canon law comes from the Vatican; they are one of the world’s first corporations; and it could be debated that they were the first.
Imposing on people ANY LAW other than CONSTIUTIONAL LAW /COMMON LAW, is imposing religious law on to others.
These laws make everything a CONTRACT, including ownership of your personal body, “your vessel” that your soul resides in (which makes this a spiritual war). Can you see all of the people suffering?
You are in contracts that give away your freedoms and you don’t even know it, because it is not disclosed to you, which is a VIOLATION OF YOUR RIGHTS to be in contract WITHOUT DISCLOSURE; therefore, everything you are seeing right now is complete fraud and can be proven so.
The supremacy clause of the Federal Constitution states that anything repungnet to the Constitution is NULL AND VOID.
Our forefathers tried to free us.
We bought around $10,000 dollars of censored books a few years ago. Some are before BC. Many of them of European ancestry, their spirituality, their laws…and basically what happened to us- the actual take over by foreign people is real. It’s been well documented for thousands of years (all roads lead to the same common denominator) and it’s been purposely obfuscated for obvious reasons. When we started reading, it was probably one of the hardest times in my life. The anger, the sadness, the loss is just so huge and hard to comprehend. It takes a lot of bravery to look at, speak up and stand up too.
We live in the aftermath of a takeover that TOOK OUR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and murdered many of our ancestors. In fact, 200 million people have been murdered by communist bankers in the last 100 years. Most of them were white. The people targeted for extermination are those who have other culture, tradition, ideas about being free, being close to earth, natural; unwilling to support a foreign culture of enslavement through contracts, OVER THEIR OWN KIND.
The entire illusion operates on lies and money that is created out of thin air (plus interest) to suppress all dissenting voices, which is called USURY.
This November remember: red and blue, make purple. You are voting for the new CEO of America, INC; not a leader of a “free” world. Do not let this divide you from others, we are all suffering from state- sponsored propaganda. The only truth these days seems to be from very old books, and law (and its history).
We do not know how to DEFEND ourselves at all!
By confronting this issue, we fix the corruption.
So here’s the good news: common law (constitutional) is so powerful that you can dissolve your own problems with it- with the correct words. It also changes your BRAIN when you are enlightened with it.
The third party (underdog) in this election year is YOU and everyone else who decides to claw back their individual rights.
Don’t wait for others to fix your problems. There is no fix coming. You can take on corruption YOURSELF and WIN.
The reason why you don’t see anyone winning against corruption is because they are using the wrong COURT- they are in commercial/contract court; not the COMMON LAW COURT (which is trail by peers) and often without attorneys. It’s judgement is final. You don’t need money, you just need time!
A Pro se lawyer is you, representing YOURSELF! It’s the most powerful thing you can do. And the reason why all the deals are made in the judges’ chambers is because we are so uneducated that we let third parties with other interest negotiate on our behalf. As far back as the 1400s the King of England (post take-over) wanted to stop the commoners from knowing the law and made a law that only gentlemen and esquires could administer the law. Within a few decades, individual rights were diminished. In our country, these changes are noted in our history, notably the 82 Congress’ Congressional Record commenting on the American Bar Association as a “communist entity,” and here we are 60-80 years later!
(All historical accounts of European life before take-over is not what your historians will tell you- the censorship, the lies, the changing of symbols to ones of hatred is part of the process. Britain was England before take-over. Britain because of their royals of foreign nationalities are now a symbols of hatred to many.)
We know that many people have been victimized over the last five years. We know people are scared to speak up. We know many are in denial of the final stages we are in.
If any PMA member wants to speak to us about this, you may! Just call.
I’m going to have myself some snake-skin boots here shortly-from something real venomous and large! I would like to say that I have never done anything so brave and so rewarding in my small life, which most would say has already been pretty epic! I’d like to say that nothing is more important in life, than cancelling your CONTRACTS and taking your chains off. You cannot be defeated when you stand in your power and you cannot be a victim when you confront. Do it the right way!
“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume the powers of the earth these separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s gods entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind require that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”- Declaration of Independence
Let’s get fired up.
Perry, The Alchemist
Ben, The Mechanic