The first ever NO RINSE (edible), Remineralizing , TOTAL ORAL CARE dentifrice (to use in lieu of toothpaste)! Curious about our YUM flavors? Try it and get your cleanest mouth yet!
Packet includes 6 flavors.
We are currently out of stock of Carbon Bright.
Buy now, while supplies last. Great stocking stuffer!
It is also a great way to find your first runner up in the Frau Fowler mouth pageant in case your winner is unable to perform its duties.
(Frau Fowler)!
The hard...More
The hard part is trying to decide on one, cause they all are so good.
Marlene Schantz
I've tried tooth powder before, but there were some questionable ingredients. I was happy to come upon Frau Fowler as I love to support small business and natural ingredients. I would say the citrus mint had, by far, the best flavor balance for me. However, activated charcoal is a staple in my self care products. While the flavor isn't my favorite, I'll be sticking with the carbon bright.
They were all good tasting except the licorice one but I don't like black licorice. Don't need to use much, irritated my gums a bit but I've read that will happen for the first little while so I'm not concerned. It actually makes your teeth feel very clean, so that was nice.
I loved all of these, saved the mint citrus for last because I thought it would be the worst flavor but it actually ended up being my favourite one lol. Not a huge fan of the charcoal one just because I make a mess when I'm in a hurry with it and it's so dark that it gets on stuff. It works awesome though.
My teeth have honestly never felt more clean and my breath stays fresh til the next time I eat. I was skeptical about these products which is why I bought the sample pack, to try them out. And after trying them, I can say without a doubt that I will be using tooth powders from now on instead of toothpaste. You guys got me sold, the results speak for themselves.