Frau Fowler Newsletter:
Calming the nervous system when you get anxious is no easy task. The amount of radiation people are suffering from, especially in the cities is overwhelming. WIFI, cellphones, “cell” towers, smart-this/ smart-that, is the dumbest inventions of all time, because they all operate on microwave frequencies. Cellphones operate on 2.45 GHZ and cook microwaves run on 1.65 (ish) GHZ. Chances are you are suffering from exposure, not from a “cold, flu, or whatever new thing that is happening,” which has an identical symptoms list. A cheap Tri-Field meter can be bought and used to check RF in your home, house, work and travel areas. Educate yourself on “health limits and exposure limits.” Do the math.
Members can view the forum to look at red blood cells from people living rural and working near towers, and/or people living in radiation quiet zones and traveling for several minutes past cell towers. It’s so disturbing, we’re building a case here of an intentional act to commit harm.
Recommended reads:
The Invisible Rainbow, by Firstenberg
The Body Electric, by Becker & Selden
(I’ll be posting pictures of blood from my microscope to show you how real this really is. Check back.)
I recently received a check from a customer wrapped in a piece of paper with a note that was clearly not for me and it said ‘liver panel.’ Dr. Victoria Bowmann and I were speakers at a Lyme medical conference many years ago. She seemed like a funny little lady with the reddest hair you’ve ever seen, but speaking, she was clearly all about THE GUTS, which is also connected to the liver through the alimentary canal. What that means is that you can do enemas to heal your liver. Her book is highly recommended and it’s presented more like a classroom workbook, that teaches you easily how to use this at-home technique to heal from various issues all related to digestion and parasites. It’s excellent.
Tell her Perry mentioned her, and she will say, WHO?!
You Gotta Have Guts!
by. Victoria Bowmann