Aromatherapy Inhalers – eoBREATHERS
Sniffing an essential oil inhaler, can help your body’s energy system quickly. Inhalation is the fastest method of entry for essential oils. When oils are sniffed in this “shotgun” approach, they reach the olfactory bulb in the brain instantly, and are absorbed by the brain and lungs, where these molecules fit into receptor sites and send electrical signals to emotional and memory centers.
Basically aromatherapy inhalers make you feel good and can reduce anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate (and other biological responses).
Essential Oil Blends- eoBLENDS
Expertly crafted organic essential oil blends using the finest, exotic, high quality oils, blended for specific conditions. These organic essential oils can be used for aromatherapy, massage, topical application and more! Learn more about our organic essential oil blends.
Our organic essential oil blends fit into 4 categories- wellness, relief, mood and sleep. Some blends can fit into more than one category, like mood and sleep, or wellness and relief, because of the vast therapeutic uses for each single organic essential oil.
We created a value sized, value priced organic essential oil blends for the retail space that is able to give super low prices for higher quality oils, not using multi-level marketing, creating convenience to an accessibility to essential oils. If you have any questions regarding our organic essential oil blends please contact us above. Enjoy the options!